Wednesday, February 20, 2013

and so it begins...

The news is out. We have now let our family and friends know that we want to adopt. That was a way more difficult step to take than some would think. Letting it known also meant letting our infertility problems known too. That was not easy for us. But we have been so humbled by all of the positive feedback,love,support,and most importantly prayers,that it has literally brought us to our knees. So, THANK YOU. Thank you for loving us. Thank you for supporting us and especially thank you for praying for us. God is so good and he can make it happen! We have been discussing adoption for over a year now. We were ready to make it official and then, WHAM, we were hit with a BIG move for our little family of three. Brian was offered a new position with his company and that meant we would be moving out of Georgia to Alabama. I know, that's not far at all. BUT, when you have grown up and lived in the same town your entire life (or most of your life, in Brian's case) it was HUGE to us. So we put our adoption wishes on hold until we felt it was right to pursue them. Let me tell ya, God has done some amazing things in our life in the past 4 months. We know without a doubt that now is the time to begin the adoption process. Some people know our story but if you're reading this and you don't, I will give you the short story. Brian and I have known each other since I was 14 years old and Brian was 16. We instantly became friends and continued our friendship all the way through high school, college, and even post college. We were always just that, friends. Brian is a Marine and in 2004 he was deployed to Iraq. We kept in touch through letters and emails. When Brian returned home we all went out to celebrate his return. Something changed between us that night that we both couldn't ignore. We loved each other already on the friendship level, but it was beginning to feel like more than that. We began dating and never looked back. In 2006 we got married, 2008 brought us our first born, Ellie Grace. When Ellie turned one we began trying for baby number 2. We tried, and tried, and tried. We tried until it wasn't fun anymore. (Too much information? sorry!) We then sought medical help from my doctor and they began to run tests. We learned that we suffer from "secondary infertility". Because of the situation we were told we could try conceiving through medical help but chances were, it wouldn't work. We tried anyway. We tried, and tried, and tried. Nothing was happening. Heartbroken and mad we turned to God. We prayed, we cried, we bargained with God (well, Jenn did!?) After many emotions and many prayers we felt we were meant to adopt. We truly feel that this is in God's plan for us. We were meant to bring a special child into our family and give them the love and support they otherwise would not have. So welcome to our journey. This is just the beginning. We are honored to have you along this ride of ups and downs and highs and lows. Hold on. It's gonna be a good one!


  1. Jenn,

    Your sister has never been more proud of you than I am right now. The Slocum 3 are praying faithfully for you all, and we love each one of you so very much.

    Let's let God do HIS thing! Love you!!!

    1. i had no idea that you guys were adopting. praying for your family and for your adoption journey. i love how the love of God is so clearly pictured in adoption. i can't wait to hear more and to see how God adds to your family through adoption!!

  2. This post made me cry. I am so happy for you all and trust God and His plan for your family. You know Lovie will welcome another GRAND to love and cherish!!! I love you, MOM

  3. How exciting! Can't wait to see how this all turns out and who God brings to your little family!
