Sunday, April 6, 2014

His glory

I have a friend who recently was asking about our adoption.  She was just checking in on the progress and how things (and we) were doing.  While talking to her she kept saying "y'all are so wonderful, it's so great that y'all are helping a child."  I just smiled and said thanks because I didn't know what else to say.  Don't get me wrong, adoption is wonderful, great, amazing, and much more, but that doesn't make US those things.  This is not a journey we alone chose.  This is our journey that HE chose for us, we are simply following his guidance and trusting in him plan, not ours.  We know that we were created and brought together to one day be where we are today.  This was not in our original plans when we married 7 years ago.  I would have never imagined that I would one day be an "adoptive mother". This was never on my radar.  It took me years to listen to that voice in my heart telling me "I chose you to adopt" and I've never been more honored and humbled that he chose US to be on this journey.  It's long and it's tough but I know it is so worth it.  We absolutely cannot wait to meet our special baby that God has chosen for us!  We are not doing this for our glory but for His.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Final Home Study

Today we had our FINAL (yay Final!) Home Study.  While it is a relief to know that we are done with the interviews (which at times felt like interrogations), the home safety checks, and the mounds of paperwork and questionnaires, we are in no way on the home stretch.  I sometimes wonder if we will ever be or feel like we are.  Our case worker is completing her write up and our final home study will be sent to us for review before it is signed off by the agency home office.  Once it is signed we are clear for our profile to be shown to the birthmothers.  This is when we have to trust totally in Gods plan, it's in his timing not ours. From here on out we covet your prayers.  Pray specifically that we have patience.  That's not in my vocabulary and is nearly impossible for me but I pray that God covers me in patience.  Pray that our waiting process won't take long and that our baby is right around the corner.  But more importantly, please pray for our child's 1st mommy, their birth mother.  I cannot begin to imagine the pain and heartache she must be (or will be) feeling.  Pray that she is comforted and blanketed in confidence that she is doing what is best for her unborn child.  Pray that she sees what a self-less act of pure love she is doing and that she takes pride in the fact that she is making our families dreams come true.  We love you all and are grateful for each one of you who are following and praying for us. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Our LAST home study

We cannot begin to thank those that have shown us support and love by buying and wearing our shirts.  We never dreamed we would sell OUT and to do that in less than 2 months was amazing!  It has definitely lifted our spirits and pushed us even harder to keep going.  So thank you.  Thank you to each and every one of you.  Dear friends, family, and even strangers are wearing our shirts.  That's awesome.  
Now, a little update for y'all.  We have scheduled our last (yes LAST!) home study for mid February.  Those of you that like to pray specifically for something please pray that we blow this last one out of the water.  Each home study is hard and in depth but this last one we have no idea what to expect.  I am scared, anxious, ready, and so many emotions I can't even begin to explain.  To know that we are this close.  To know
That this time last year we were filling out applications and only beginning and now this year we are entering the "waiting period" is a crazy, weird, awesome feeling.  So here we go. Let's do it!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

One more loved

We are selling shirts to help raise money to cover some of the costs of the adoption.  We have adult sizes small, medium, large, and XL.  We also have a few youth small left.  All shirts are $18 plus $3 shipping.  To purchase you can either email me at or send the money via PayPal to the same email address.